Multilingual Digital Marketing – 6 Languages – Steffen Kelle Polyglot (2012)

Multilingual Digital Marketing – 6 Languages – Steffen Kelle Polyglot (2012)

This is Steffen Kelle’s video CV (2012) in 6 languages: English, Swedish, Spanish, French, German and Portuguese.

get in touch:

Video directed and edited by Benoît Derrier at the Stockholm Public Library

song: Pull A Star Trip – “Marianne”
composed and performed by Steffen Kelle

This video was inspired by these great minds:
Professor Alexander Arguelles –
Richard Simcott –
Luca Lampariello –

38 thoughts on “Multilingual Digital Marketing – 6 Languages – Steffen Kelle Polyglot (2012)

  1. hey! Ich kaufe immer ein Grammatikbuch, welches ich dann recht schnell durchnehme (1,2 Wochen max), ohne krass ins Detail zu gehen oder zu versuchen, Sachen oder Regeln auswendig zu lernen. Dann fange ich an Kindercomics zu lesen, z.B. Das Lustige T-buch. Danach Assimil. großer Vorteil für uns, die Deutsch sprechen. Fantastisches Programm. Als letzten Schritt für 1-3 Monate in ein Land, wo man die Sprache spricht und wenn möglich Intensivsprachkurse machen. Was lernst du?

  2. ahh cool 😛 sollte icch mal aus probieren…
    ich mach das irgend wie mit dem grammatik buch anders … und zwar versuch ich da alles zu vertshen und auswendig zu lernen …. sollte ich mir vielleicht abgewöhnen 😛 ^^

  3. ja. wichtig ist nur, dass einige Fetzdn hängenbleiben, und dass du weißt, wo du nachschlagen musst, wenn du einen Satz im Sprachgebrauch hörst und dessen grammatikalische Grundlage verstehen willst. Der “aha”-Effekt (“Warte mal, das kommt mir bekannt vor…”) ist super. Alles Wissen auf einen Schlag in sich reinzudreschen macht für mich keinen Sinn. Stück für Stück. Probier unbedingt mal Assimil und Comicbooks/Kinderbücher! 🙂

  4. wow. this is something I don’t commonly see. A true renaissance man. He knows 6 different languages as well as a few other programming languages, and seems to have a lot of skills and knowledge about computers. Something I want to do. You are an inspiration to me, and this is something I have been striving for for a long time.

  5. thanks a lot for your nice words! It honors me to be an inspiration to anyone out there… It’s merely a matter of devotion to learning combined with loads of fun! 🙂 Try it, you’ll love it just as much as I do:)

  6. @steffenkelle haha thanks. you have most of the european languages already covered. why don’t you add the asian and african languages too like Chinese, Arabic, Hindi-Urdu, Bahasa Indonesian and Swahili.? The first 3 are the ones i think you should really add. if you had those as well, you could be able to communicate with most of the people in the world

  7. That is indeed my goal. Not too sure about Hindu-Urdu, Bahasa Indonesian and Swahili… (for now at least) 🙂 – but Japanese and Chinese are def. on the roadmap. I have a big passion for the Russian language and Russian people though, so I bet either Japanese or Russian are gonna be the next one. Unfortunately I cannot dedicate my life solely to learning languages… There is only so much time once you get home from work. Any good tips what programs one should use for Hindu, Indonesian and Sw.?

  8. Well, yeah if you are going to learn Japanese, I would learn Chinese first. Because Mandarin Chinese is like a gateway to just about all the east asian languages. It’ll become easier to learn Japanese by then. So yeah I would say learn russian. also I would say pimsleur is good for learning basic conversation, I like the teach yourself series books, and rocket chinese is great as well. I never studied russian so I don’t know

  9. Yeah I hear you there are only so many hours you are at home. yeah a lot of people have jobs and stuff. Also how do you do it to know so many languages and not forget them? do you practice each language a lot?

  10. Well, I practise them every day if I can. I am fortunate enough to have international friends everywhere, I try to meet them at least once or twice a week. In addition, I got my Facebook in Swedish, my iPhone in Spanish, my mac in French… in essence I try to use my languages in a “natural” manner, without worrying to much about the fact that I “have” to study + since I am a football maniac:) I read sports news on four different sites in four different languages almost every day. Fun is the key

  11. Ein sehr gelungenes Video, Steffen, Grüsse aus Ohio, USA von einem Polyglott, der Deutsch und Französisch unterrichtet.

  12. Thank you! I hope I will have the time to upload a few more videos. Very impressed by your videos as well! Amazing…

  13. Danke sehr!:) Es freut mich, dass es dir gefällt. Wo genau aus Ohio kommst du?
    Ich kenne leider nur Dayton, OH, habe dort mal ein Konzert mit meiner Band gespielt. Ist allerdings schon 5 Jahre her.

  14. Ja, die Welt ist klein, ich komme aus West Carrollton, Ohio, das ist ein Vorort von Dayton, etw. 9 Meilen südlich von Dayton.

  15. You’d make an excellent boyfriend (if you’re not one already) 🙂

    What would be the best way to contact you if I wanted some online marketing done?

  16. Ha. Thank you Lola:) And nope, not anyone’s right now;)
    Please send an email to me(at)steffenkelle(dot)com and I’ll get in touch.

  17. Hey , When you started to learning languages? and How long time did you take to speak all them … I’m Curious 😀

  18. Hi Michael. I started learning English at school when I was 11/12. It differs from language to language. Whenever I lived in a country where the language was spoken I picked it up quite fast, I can only encourage you to take that step/the risk and try learning a language abroad.

  19. tens um bom português mas tens de “abrir mais a boca” ou projetar a voz pois tive muita dificuldade em entender!

    Parabéns de qualquer forma e um abraço de Portugal

  20. You should learn Farsi. Incredibly easy to speak and understand. Incredibly difficult to read and write. If I were you, and you were learning Farsi, I wouldn’t even try to read and write, but hey, if you choose to, that is awesome.

  21. So.. you are smart, you speak 6 languages, you play piano and guitar, you have a company and you are also ridiculously handsome.. nice.. and ohhhh you are single! so there is hope that boys like you are not extinct..

  22. Hi there, I speak several languages, learning them through travels abroad, family, and uni, do you have any books or other sources you like to learn languages from? Thanks!

  23. Tack snälla! Took me quite a while to get that down and was still made fun of by my Swedish friends when I said certain words (funny enough “Swenglish ones like kul (cool)”). Yet I think I got there close enough 🙂

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