Email Marketing Best Practices: Our Top Tips And Tricks

Email Marketing Best Practices: Our Top Tips And Tricks

– Laura takes a look at five tips and tricks for writing a marketing email that gets opened and encourages actions. Including the best ways to build an email marketing list, how to refine your sign-up process, the best subject lines, when to send and how often to send. For other tips about email marketing, check out the Koozai blog
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11 thoughts on “Email Marketing Best Practices: Our Top Tips And Tricks

  1. Useful points. Thanks for sharing. However, in the services business what would be an appropriate frequency to send out mails to existing customers? A ball park number will be helpful.

  2. Wichtige Tipps, die jeder auf jeden Fall beachten sollte.
    Beim Thema Eintragung in den Verteiler sehe ich das aber so, dass die Emailadresse vollkommen reicht. Wozu noch Name oder weitere Daten abfragen? Das senkt doch nur die Opt-in Rate.

  3. Hey There, Good Video. Its very difficult to find a website that has good list of Best Email Marketing Tips and Tricks. I found an article here that has few tips worth reading. I myself used this and really find them helpful. Hope you will find them helpful too. 

  4. Thanks for your smart tips! I’m using GetResponse platform to create and manage my newsletters and now I know much more about email marketing strategies.

  5. Hey! Nice video you have there! On a separate note; have you tried ” Vidadsmedia Email Tools ” (Have a quick look on google…cant remember the exact words)? My step brother had some dealings with them and was impressed by their amazing knowledge on email tools!

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